
Все видео-материалы по логистике и управлению цепями поставок здесь. Пока не отмодерированы, очень много лишнего.
Чт, 20.05.2010, 12:35

For de-palletizing the employee can move the pallet to an ergonomic working height by pushing a button. Small parts are transferred to single layer trays from two source pallets. The trays are stored in the automatic small part warehouse and released for picking according to demand. Picking of the orders is done from three source pallets and eight source trays to two destination pallets. The control of all warehousing and pick processes is done by warehouse management software developed by SSI Schaefer.

Чт, 20.05.2010, 12:22

One electronic monorail at JYSK takes care of transporting source pallets in front of the vertical transfer position. Pallet lifts connecting the ground level with the upper floor. Via additional passage ways pallets are exchanged between the three different warehouses. Initial storing of pallets, storing and conveying of the miniload as well as de-palletizing and picking is done on the elevated level. Automated vertical conveyors and lifting tables handle vertical movements.

Чт, 20.05.2010, 12:13

The first step was it to erect a new high bay warehouse with about 36.000 additional storage positions capacity was increased to 60.000 pallets. 5 storage and retrieval machines operate in 5 different aisles. With 200 double cycles per hour approximately 200 storage and retrieval movements can be carried out. During a second expansion step an additional 12.000 fully automated pallet storage positions were created.

Чт, 20.05.2010, 12:00

The warehouse consists of eight aisles each with one storage and retrieval machine. The pallets are transported to the relevant storage branch by means of a carousel. The storage and retrieval machines pick up the pallets here and take them to the defined storage location. To achieve as high as storage capacity is possible the pallets are stored two deep. Supplies for other warehouse areas are distributed by vertical conveyors.

Втр, 11.05.2010, 14:40

Out of 4000 different items 1500 items per hour can be picked at two stations. In front of the miniload a- and b- movers are picket supported by a pick by light technology at 32 workstations. The picking stations are served by the eight SRMs of the miniload. In this area 5600 totes are picked every hour. Once the order picking process is complete a weight check is performed on integrated scales to verify the contents of each tote. A random- quality insurance take place at the 4 QA workstations.

Втр, 11.05.2010, 14:04

The intelligent connection between warehousing and production areas is a highlight at Carlsberg, Denmark. All movements between the different warehouses as well as from the warehouses to the production lines and back take place via an electronic monorail. The monorail runs in two separate loops. The vertical height between the level shipping warehouse and Carlsberg production is overcome via a serpentine track which is located next to the warehouse.

Пт, 07.05.2010, 17:51

The state of the art storage and retrieval machine Schaefer Compact Crane combines maximum performance with a light and compact design. Thanks to the new concept of development the purchase of the SCC is also significantly more economic. The in-house high bay warehouse is used as a buffer warehouse and located closed to the production line at Carlsberg.

Пт, 07.05.2010, 17:42

Fast moving a-items are handled directly in the miniload. Picking is done at 6 optimized pick by light workstations. The heard of the concept are the 24 vertical carousels for b- and c- items. They are split into 4 modules with 4 workstations each. The totes are located fully automated at 8 pick to tote positions according to the goods to man principle. The ergonomic workstation allows very efficient and error free picking. Slow moving d-items are stored in a bin rack.

Пт, 07.05.2010, 15:04

The packed bins run through a contour check and are registered by the computer with the help of a barcode. The conveyor system rotates the bins so that they are the right way around and transport them to one of the locations specified by the warehouse management system in one of the 36 commissioners. Here the bins are stored two deep.

Пт, 07.05.2010, 14:49

SSI-Schaefer has erected a new distribution warehouse for Netto, a leading discounter in Germany. A special highlight is the high flexibility of the pallet conveying system and the whole material handling equipment which can handle euro as well as half pallets. With the integrated electric monorail system, Netto can handle 209 storage and 234 retrieval functions per hour. The high bay warehouse with 8 aisles and 10480 pallet positions enables double deep storage.

Пт, 07.05.2010, 14:27

SSI Schaefer erected a distribution center for Wesergold, Germany with 38.700 storage positions for pallets. In 14 aisles 14 storage and retrieval machines with telescopic forks can serve the pallet racking on left and right side. Special highlight is the electric monorail with 76 vehicles which connects the production facility with the distribution center.

Чт, 08.04.2010, 17:05

Гигантские пробки на петербургской таможне. Дальнобойщики в нечеловеческих условиях. Таможенники ссылаются на реализацию новой концепции по переносу таможенных постов на границу. Подробности здесь: vkrizis.ru

Чт, 01.04.2010, 21:50

Фрагмент мастер-класса Виктора Барановского «Эволюция формата склада» в рамках Дня открытых дверей Киевской бизнес школы 06.02.2010

Втр, 16.03.2010, 15:20

Данный видео урок, демонстрирует работу с панелью инструментов 44 графы, в программе MD Declaration (програмный комплекс MD Office)

Втр, 02.03.2010, 17:55

Bei einem komplett rechnergesteuerten Stapler von Intelligenz zu sprechen ist zwar ungewöhnlich, aber im Fall des FM-X Autonom vollkommen angebracht. Denn de...

Сб, 20.02.2010, 19:28

Падение стеллажей Mecalux из-за нарушений правил безопасности сотрудником склада, который въехал в стойку стеллажей. Это яркий пример халатности, который при...

Чт, 04.02.2010, 12:17

Der STILL Gabelstapler RX 70 verrichtet auch unter härtesten Einsatzbedingungen seinen Dienst. Ob im Papierrecycling, in der Gießerei, im Baustoffhandel oder...


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